To: My Friends, Neighbors, and Family Me and my friend Tanya,
From: Bob Hillebrand Katrina survivor, Biloxi, MS
Subject: Relief Efforts for Kenya in October

A few months ago I wrote most of you about the compassion and mission that God has placed on my heart, to travel to Western Kenya and participate and bring love and relief to this area. I promised to tell you more about this and our plans. This is an area ravaged by a 3 year drought, poor water supply, poor medical treatment, national famine, very high AIDS/HIV infection rate, violence, and extremely limited ability to help themselves. The average life expectancy has plummeted to the mid 40’s. Many people get a meal once every 3 days. Nearly all water supplies are contaminated. Power supplies are unreliable and nonexistent in rural areas. The number of orphans are multiplying each day.
To remind you, a year ago my friends Mark Alder and Jim Shock, Pastor of The Serenity Church of Charlotte became e-introduced to Pastor Jonathan Mudenyo, an energetic servant of God who directs 40 churches and charity service agencies in Kenya and neighboring Uganda, and Tanzania. The New Hope Christian Center in Webuye, Kenya and associated churches support an Orphanage called Cross Point Hope Home which houses and educates 23 children at the moment, aged 4 to 12. These children have lost their parents through AIDS, other illnesses, and violence. You can read more about their energetic ministries at their websites: www.ke.forministry.com/KEWESTERNFBIBCNHCCN/, and http://www.freewebs.com/lordsmin/. This spring, our fund raising efforts have been blessed in that over $7,000 has been sent to Kenya, purchasing 2 truckloads of food and water which was distributed in rural famine areas, as well as 2 dairy cows for the orphanage and other needed supplies. We were invited to visit Kenya to see how God is working there and how we can further join in immediate and long term efforts of relief to this area which is lacking enough other help.
We will be leaving on October 11th and returning on the 25th, flying via Detroit, Amsterdam, Nairobi, and Kisumu, then traveling to Wibuye, Busia, and Kitale, as well as across the Uganda border. My good friend Greg Wesorick, a Construction Contractor, from back home in Michigan, also felt a calling to join Mark, Jim, and me. We all share compassion for this people and sense of adventure which I am sure The Father knew our team needed.
Although God has the plans, we have a number of goals. We will be working on the Orphanage providing carpentry repair and general improvements. We will carry with us as much supplies, clothes, and shoes for the kids as we can. We also plan to purchase food and water there, hire a truck(s) and travel into the villages providing direct famine relief. Money goes a long way. In March, $6,000 provided 2 truckloads of Corn flour, Beans, cooking oil, water and other supplies, enough for roughly 500 people for one month. We hope to do more than this again. We will investigate possible water well sites and help initiate drilling plans as a long term relief effort. Above all we will share the love of Christ in a practical urgently needed way and let these Brothers and Sisters of ours know we care for them and plan long term support as God wills it. The more funds we are blessed with, the more that can be done. For example, a truckload of food delivered to the needy costs $3,000, a well drilled with pump costs $10,000. Clothing, shoes, school supplies, repair supplies and tools will cost over $2,000. I know God will provide what we need and will awe us with what He will do.
Would you like to help us? This is not for me, but I feel led to ask if you feel it on your heart to participate with us in this. One thing that I can definitely promise you is that anything you feel led to donate to this project will be spent directly providing relief for the poor, sick, and orphaned. It will be supervised and approved by us and I will report how God worked with our gifts and efforts. Our own expenses and travel are covered. Every dollar you send with us will buy a dollar’s worth of food and supplies or practical relief and be provided directly to a child or person that needs it. I am excited to see how God works here and I look forward to sharing it with you when I return. Please pray on this.
It is true that ... “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” Pvb. 19:21 I never would have guessed that I would be headed to do something like this but God knows best and I truly am being blessed. I also know that: Much is asked from whom much is given. I welcome any inquiries for more info and certainly your prayers for a safe and God-lead trip (and also for me to learn Swahili). Please email me at:
Thank you all for your prayers, support,
and encouragement.
God Bless You (Mungu Akubariki) All!, Bob