Publishers Note
Jerry R Lucas RN, Publisher
10510 south state hwy3
News Letter Male Nurse Magazine
July 2007
What’s New?
This month has been jam-packed with news, stories and even new website introductions. One of particular interest and value is . This new site has been designed to offer more interaction between healthcare professionals and the general public. United Nurses for Healthcare will provide many opportunities for healthcare professionals to share their stories and insights with those who use our services. Go check it out. You might even like to contribute! There are also two new surveys on this new web site that give you, or your family and friends a chance to make a difference in healthcare.
Joe Flores RN, JD Introduces New Online Course
Attorney Joe Flores has been a friend to Male Nurse Magazine and to me personally, for quite sometime. Joe has played a very important role in the care and feeding of the new website. This month, he will be making another wonderful contribution "to the cause" by offering a new online course which could give you the opportunity to become a Legal Nurse Consultant. The cost of the course will be $199 and can be taken totally online. Joe’s course will indeed, be a centerpiece on the new site. Joe also does a (TV?) show in southern Texas that covers healthcare issues, including the loss of healthcare. Complete copies of these shows will also be available on the new website.
Employment opportunity
This month, Male Nurse Magazine is proud to announce that Desert Regional
Medical Center in Palm Springs CA has been selected as our Employer of Choice. As many of our readers know, I do not invite a lot of advertising to the website. You never know what I'm going to say, and I don't necessarily want to offend--especially someone who pays to advertise with us. However, every once in awhile, someone tips us off to an exceptional organization that deserves scrutiny and recognition for their superior product, service, or exceptional care. The Desert Regional Med. Center is one such organization. We are therefore pleased to add the DRMC banner to our site. Take a look at www.desertmedctr.com. If I happened to live in that area, I would probably have them at the top of my list of solid Employment opportunities.
Please Support Our Surveys
This month there are two surveys on the new website. Both are of interest to the general public and healthcare professionals. One is placed as a request from a student who would like your support in collecting information. I ask that you please take time to fill each of them out. I am sincerely grateful for all of your help.
Publisher Notes...
Each month I try to speak to issues which affect us all. This month, the passive aggressive among us get the spotlight. We have unfortunately, all had to work with or for some one whose remarks have little correlation to his or her actions. Sometimes the remarks are misleading or incomplete. Sometimes information is omitted. Sometimes statements are simply not true. The individual will say one thing, but do the other. It certainly does not lessen our already hefty work load when an individual provides no clear message or when leadership is by ambiguity and retaliation rather than by honesty, clarity and solid support. Often, "no good deed goes unpunished", so severe reprisal is the payment for speaking up. Unfortunately, no workplace is without these individuals; but in nursing or healthcare, where the stakes are extremely high, we need P/A's even less.
According to virtually every survey, nursing is the most respected and TRUSTED profession. That trust is a result, not just of professional skill and competence and an inherent need to truly care for human kind; it is also a manifestation of the mutual trust and respect between colleagues, supervisors, physicians, and administrators. So when that "bad apple" gets in among us, the result can be personally devastating, organizationally injurious...and it doesn't do our clients and patients any good either! The truth is sometimes lost in gossip.
As they are fond of saying in the military: "(Stuff) flows down hill".
The ultimate responsibility for identifying and dealing with those P/A's, or any issue dealing with the health and wellbeing of an organization lies at the top. Sometimes, indeed, the problem lies at or near the top. So beware.
A Couple Final Thoughts
Please remember last month I spoke about Men’s Nursing. It will be a not-for-profit group to help males in the profession. The person to contact, ironically enough, will be Tanya Eldert. She has a lot of experience in not-for-profit groups, and I know she will do a good job. Indeed, the reason she wanted to start this was that her husband, Mike is currently going through nursing school, and they were both surprised by the stigmas still out there. If you think you would like to see this grow, please email her at ...And finally, I would like to thank all of you for your years of support. I hope that your summer has gone great and that you and all of your loved ones are fine. Each day that passes gives me the opportunity to change my life for the better. I can tell you that I feel very fortunate to be able to contact the 25,000 people who have signed up for our news letter.
I am once again back in school at the University of Indiana at Columbus.
Continuing education for nurses is a given. I hope all of your dreams and all of your hopes come true.
Jerry R Lucas RN
With the Truth and Hope one person can change the world