This web site is part of large project that will help to bring focus to three issues relative to men in nursing:
- Recruitment of males to our profession
- Training of men in nursing
- Special issues concerning men in nursing in both the workplace and school
We are not going to take away the the rich history that our female colleauges have played in nursing. We want to explore why it is that males make up only about 8% to 10%of 2,600,000 within nursing, especially considering the profession's shortages of personnel and the current rate of unemployment not only in the U.S. but other countries as well. We want to explore why the profession hasn't more proactively promoted awareness for males to become prospective future nurses. We believe this could be a significant factor to alleviating the shortage to come.
We have and will continue to conduct surveys both among the general nursing population and among male nurses. We want to make sure we keep our finger on the pulse of our proffesion. Results from all of our surveys can be obtained by contacting the owner of Male Nurse Magazine. The results are the property of Male Nurse Magazine after the student or party requesting the survey has used it for it intended use. This service is not free to anyone other than students but, for schools or companies a fee simple will be applied.
We've heard some feedback that the purpose of the magazine was to judge between Men and Women in Nursing. "THIS IS NOT THE CASE". The true fact of the this website is that we want to spotlight where males work and why. We want to show why males became nurses and why others want to become nurses. We will show that not all of nursing is female and that we are growing. We hope to use this as a tool for better recruitment of young men as well as women into our profession. We make no excuse about the title of the new magazine as it will focus on males within the profession.
The magazine will also be looking at institutions of higher learning to rank them as to how many males they have had in their programs. We want to know what kind of learning experience they had so we may show a possible reason why our numbers are so low. We want to know how you got started. Did someone from an institution come to you or did a friend tell you about nursing?
This site is a copyright of Jerry R Lucas RN 2002- 2012 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Jerry R Lucas RN publisher , , . All web pages set forth and shown as Male Nurse Magazine, Male Nursing Magazine, Men Nursing Magazine, Male Nurse, and Nursing Male are products of the same and now claimed.
"Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is only granted with permissions that may be requested from Jerry R Lucas RN to include all names within. We have no claim to links to other web sites or their content".