Ongoing Surveys

     Male Nurse Magazine is excited about this years survey. Please take the time to fill it out let all your friends know how you feel.


New Survey Available

  New Survey for November 2007 

Ms. Geraldine A Moore Nursing Survey School request

     The survey link below is from the College of Nursing & Healthcare Innovation at Arizona State University. They are working on a gant to improve RN rentention. Please help them out

Nurses to Nurses: Improving RN Retention and Patient Care

     Older surveys still open

Survey of Registered Nurses

Top Ten Male-Friendly Nursing Schools

United Nurses for Health Care Public Survey

United Nurses for Health care National Nurses Survey

     The above survey is your chance to tell the world what you think about the education you got.

Mission Statement:

"As Nurses it is our responsibility to meet the shortage head on, take charge of our future and to see that their future is better than our past"

     Male Nurse Magazine is free to you, there is no printed version of it. We are not part of any printed magazine that reports. "It is the first of its kind." We have been here for 5 years listening to you. I feel that we can help more by giving you information at no cost. I try to give you as much advertising money as I can. So far it cost me more to run than I make. I feel that as a nurse it is my job to help you. -Jerry Lucas, RN

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